Josh Kaufman
Josh Kaufman picked an unconventional time to launch his value investing career: he started in Goldman Sachs’ Media and Telecom investment banking group at the peak of the dot-com & telecom bubbles. As those sectors collapsed, Josh was deeply influenced by the dramatic stock market fallout. That formative experience led him to Korsant Partners, which happened to be looking to invest in many of the former high flying companies that were now distressed and trading at exceptionally low valuations. After two years at Korsant and a short run at MSD Capital, Josh teamed up with fellow MSD analyst, Craig Nerenberg, to form Brenner West Capital Partners in 2005. Over the last nine years, the fund has grown to nearly $1.4 billion in assets under management with an opportunistic approach to sourcing ideas. Josh and his team turn over hundreds of rocks to yield a concentrated portfolio of a small number of new ideas each year.